Book in contract with Oxford University Press: Alonzo Church: His Philosophy and its Legacy (to be co-authored with Harry Deutsch)
Accepted for Publication: A Note on Church and Kripke on Grelling’s Paradox. Constantin C. Brîncuș (ed.) From an Analytical Point of View: Logic, Language, and Mind. Essays in Honor of Mircea Dumitru. Synthese Library. (co-authored with Harry Deutsch)
2024: Russell’s Paradox. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (co-authored with Harry Deutsch and Andrew David Irvine)
2023. Extensive Magnitudes: Metaphysics, Representation and Epistemology. Crítica. Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía 54(163)
2023. Kripke, Quine and Steiner on Representing Arithmetic in Set Theory. Carl Posy and Yemima Ben-Menahem (ed.) Mathematical Objects, Knowledge and Applications: Essays in Memory of Mark Steiner. Springer
2021. The Number Sense Represents Multitudes and Magnitudes. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44
2021. Alonzo Church. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (co-authored with Harry Deutsch)
2018. The Psychology and Philosophy of Natural Numbers. Philosophia Mathematica 26(1): 40-58
2017. Giaquinto on Acquaintance with Numbers. The Journal of Philosophy 114(1): 43-55
2016. Counting and Identity: A Reply to Liebesman. Australasian Journal of Philosophy 95(2): 385-390